One Compartment Model - Single Oral Dose
Four Absorption Sites with Lagtime - Simulation

One compartment Model (Dose,tlag,ki1-4,ka1-4/kel/V/F)


The file, onec_ds.BAT. Copy the lines between the markers '--' but not the marker, starting with 'Boomer Batch File'. Paste into a new text document using a simple text editor such as Text Edit (Macintosh) or Notepad (Windows) and save as plain (ascii) text as onec_ds.BAT. Start boomer and enter 1 or 3 to use a .BAT file. Enter the .BAT file name onec_ds.
Boomer Batch File
    2                             wls,bayes,sim,irwls,sim+error,grid 
    1                             Screen, diskfile                   
onec_ds                                                     <- output to onec_ds.OUT
    2                             Parameter type            <- start of ki1 input type 2
   1.200                          Parameter value                    
    2                             To                                 
    1                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
  0.6000                          Parameter value                    
    3                             To                                 
    2                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
  0.3000                          Parameter value                    
    4                             To                                 
    3                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
  0.3000                          Parameter value                    
    0                             To                                 
    4                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
  0.2000                          Parameter value                    
    5                             To                                 
    1                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
   1.500                          Parameter value                    
    5                             To                                 
    2                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
  0.4000                          Parameter value                    
    5                             To                                 
    3                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
  0.4000                          Parameter value                    
    5                             To                                 
    4                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type                     
  0.1500                          Parameter value                    
    0                             To                                 
    5                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
   18                             Parameter type                     
   12.30                          Parameter value                    
    1                             To                                 
    5                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
   18                             Parameter type                     
   1.000                          Parameter value                    
    2                             To                                 
Amt 1                                                       
    1                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
   18                             Parameter type                     
   1.000                          Parameter value                    
    3                             To                                 
Amt 2                                                       
    2                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
   18                             Parameter type                     
   1.000                          Parameter value                    
    4                             To                                 
Amt 3                                                       
    3                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
   18                             Parameter type                     
   1.000                          Parameter value                    
    5                             To                                 
Amt 4                                                       
    4                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
   18                             Parameter type                     
   1.000                          Parameter value                    
    6                             To                                 
Amt 5                                                       
    5                             From                               
    0                             happy or not                       
    0                             Parameter type            <- define tlag here
  0.2000                          Parameter value                    
    0                             happy or not                       
    1                             Parameter type            <- dose moved here after tlag
   100.0                          Parameter value                    
    1                             Start interrupt number             
    1                             To                                 
    0                             happy or not                       
   -1                             Parameter type                     
    2                             Integration method                 
   0.000                          Relative error                     
   0.000                          Absolute error                     
Simulation - Oral dose with four absorption sites and lagtime
    1                             Data from disk or keyboard         
   0.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   0.100                          X value                   <- data at 0.1 to see lagtime
   0.000                          Y value                            
   0.200                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   0.300                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   3.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   4.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   6.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   9.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   12.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  -1.000                          X value                            
    0                             Accept, correct, delete, insert, of
    0                             Continue or save data              
   0.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   0.100                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   0.200                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   0.300                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   3.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   4.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   6.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   9.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   12.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  -1.000                          X value                            
    0                             Accept, correct, delete, insert, of
    0                             Continue or save data              
   0.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   3.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   4.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   6.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   9.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   12.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  -1.000                          X value                            
    0                             Accept, correct, delete, insert, of
    0                             Continue or save data              
   0.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   3.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   4.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   6.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   9.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   12.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  -1.000                          X value                            
    0                             Accept, correct, delete, insert, of
    0                             Continue or save data              
   0.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   3.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   4.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   6.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   9.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   12.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  -1.000                          X value                            
    0                             Accept, correct, delete, insert, of
    0                             Continue or save data              
   0.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   3.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   4.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   6.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   9.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   12.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  -1.000                          X value                            
    0                             Accept, correct, delete, insert, of
    0                             Continue or save data              
    1                             AUC line number                    
    0                             AUC line number                    
    2                             Continue,save,plot,supplemental,sen
   -1                             wls,bayes,sim,irwls,sim+error,grid 
When you open onec_ds.OUT you should see the information below

 ** FINAL OUTPUT FROM Boomer (v3.3.7) **       7 July 2011 ---  1:42:17 pm

 Title:  Simulation - Oral dose with four absorption sites and lagtim
 Input: From onec_ds.BAT                                                     
 Output:  To onec_ds.OUT                                                     
 Data for [Drug]          came from keyboard (or ?.BAT)                                             
 Data for Amt 1           came from keyboard (or ?.BAT)                                             
 Data for Amt 2           came from keyboard (or ?.BAT)                                             
 Data for Amt 3           came from keyboard (or ?.BAT)                                             
 Data for Amt 4           came from keyboard (or ?.BAT)                                             
 Data for Amt 5           came from keyboard (or ?.BAT)                                             
 Fitting algorithm: Simulation                 
 Numerical integration method: 2) Fehlberg RKF45                          
          with  5 de(s)
 With relative error   0.1000E-03
 With absolute error   0.1000E-03

 This simulation took     0.1000E-01 seconds

 Model and Parameter Definition

  #  Name                    Value       Type From To     Dep  Start Stop

  1) ki1                 =   1.200        2    1    2       0    0    0
  2) ki2                 =  0.6000        2    2    3       0    0    0
  3) ki3                 =  0.3000        2    3    4       0    0    0
  4) ki4                 =  0.3000        2    4    0       0    0    0
  5) ka1                 =  0.2000        2    1    5       0    0    0
  6) ka2                 =   1.500        2    2    5       0    0    0
  7) ka3                 =  0.4000        2    3    5       0    0    0
  8) ka3                 =  0.4000        2    4    5       0    0    0
  9) kel                 =  0.1500        2    5    0       0    0    0
 10) V/F                 =   12.30       18    5    1       0    0    0
 11) One-1               =   1.000       18    1    2       0    0    0
 12) One-2               =   1.000       18    2    3       0    0    0
 13) One-3               =   1.000       18    3    4       0    0    0
 14) One-4               =   1.000       18    4    5       0    0    0
 15) One-5               =   1.000       18    5    6       0    0    0
 16) tlag                =  0.2000        0    0    0       0    0    0
 17) Dose                =   100.0        1    0    1       0    1    0

 Data for [Drug]          :-

 DATA #   Time       Observed      Calculated    (Weight)  Weighted residual

     1    0.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     2   0.1000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     3   0.2000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     4   0.3000       0.00000      0.215768       0.00000      -0.00000    
     5    1.000       0.00000       2.68738       0.00000      -0.00000    
     6    2.000       0.00000       4.80721       0.00000      -0.00000    
     7    3.000       0.00000       5.21962       0.00000      -0.00000    
     8    4.000       0.00000       4.96256       0.00000      -0.00000    
     9    6.000       0.00000       3.98842       0.00000      -0.00000    
    10    9.000       0.00000       2.63979       0.00000      -0.00000    
    11    12.00       0.00000       1.69898       0.00000      -0.00000    

 Data for Amt 1           :-

 DATA #   Time       Observed      Calculated    (Weight)  Weighted residual

     1    0.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     2   0.1000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     3   0.2000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     4   0.3000       0.00000       86.9358       0.00000      -0.00000    
     5    1.000       0.00000       32.6280       0.00000      -0.00000    
     6    2.000       0.00000       8.04589       0.00000      -0.00000    
     7    3.000       0.00000       1.98405       0.00000      -0.00000    
     8    4.000       0.00000      0.489233       0.00000      -0.00000    
     9    6.000       0.00000      0.297390E-01   0.00000      -0.00000    
    10    9.000       0.00000      0.439821E-03   0.00000      -0.00000    
    11    12.00       0.00000      0.617914E-05   0.00000      -0.00000    

 Data for Amt 2           :-

 DATA #   Time       Observed      Calculated    (Weight)  Weighted residual

     1    0.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     2    1.000       0.00000       23.9840       0.00000      -0.00000    
     3    2.000       0.00000       9.88096       0.00000      -0.00000    
     4    3.000       0.00000       2.92232       0.00000      -0.00000    
     5    4.000       0.00000      0.780086       0.00000      -0.00000    
     6    6.000       0.00000      0.501073E-01   0.00000      -0.00000    
     7    9.000       0.00000      0.752739E-03   0.00000      -0.00000    
     8    12.00       0.00000      0.105924E-04   0.00000      -0.00000    

 Data for Amt 3           :-

 DATA #   Time       Observed      Calculated    (Weight)  Weighted residual

     1    0.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     2    1.000       0.00000       7.71597       0.00000      -0.00000    
     3    2.000       0.00000       10.6939       0.00000      -0.00000    
     4    3.000       0.00000       7.63869       0.00000      -0.00000    
     5    4.000       0.00000       4.44529       0.00000      -0.00000    
     6    6.000       0.00000       1.22394       0.00000      -0.00000    
     7    9.000       0.00000      0.154518       0.00000      -0.00000    
     8    12.00       0.00000      0.189807E-01   0.00000      -0.00000    

 Data for Amt 4           :-

 DATA #   Time       Observed      Calculated    (Weight)  Weighted residual

     1    0.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     2    1.000       0.00000      0.706448       0.00000      -0.00000    
     3    2.000       0.00000       2.56401       0.00000      -0.00000    
     4    3.000       0.00000       3.24565       0.00000      -0.00000    
     5    4.000       0.00000       2.85756       0.00000      -0.00000    
     6    6.000       0.00000       1.40904       0.00000      -0.00000    
     7    9.000       0.00000      0.310222       0.00000      -0.00000    
     8    12.00       0.00000      0.550584E-01   0.00000      -0.00000    

 Data for Amt 5           :-

 DATA #   Time       Observed      Calculated    (Weight)  Weighted residual

     1    0.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     2    1.000       0.00000       33.0548       0.00000      -0.00000    
     3    2.000       0.00000       59.1286       0.00000      -0.00000    
     4    3.000       0.00000       64.2013       0.00000      -0.00000    
     5    4.000       0.00000       61.0395       0.00000      -0.00000    
     6    6.000       0.00000       49.0576       0.00000      -0.00000    
     7    9.000       0.00000       32.4694       0.00000      -0.00000    
     8    12.00       0.00000       20.8975       0.00000      -0.00000    

 Calculation of AUC and AUMC based on trapezoidal rule

 AUC and AUMC for [Drug]          using Calculated data

       Time         Concentration      AUC             AUMC

      0.00000          0.00000    
     0.100000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
     0.200000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
     0.300000         0.215768        0.107884E-01    0.323652E-02
      1.00000          2.68738         1.02689        0.966477    
      2.00000          4.80721         4.77419         7.11738    
      3.00000          5.21962         9.78760         19.7540    
      4.00000          4.96256         14.8787         37.5085    
      6.00000          3.98842         23.8297         81.2893    
      9.00000          2.63979         33.7720         152.822    
      12.0000          1.69898         40.2801         219.041    
                                       51.8465         436.579    
 AUC and AUMC extrapolated
      from the last data point          22.3 %          49.8 %

 Terminal half-life       4.72     (    -0.147    )

 Secondary Parameters

 MRT =      8.4206    

 Half-life values for each first order rate constant

   Parameter   1 has a half-life of ki1 is      0.578    
   Parameter   2 has a half-life of ki2 is       1.16    
   Parameter   3 has a half-life of ki3 is       2.31    
   Parameter   4 has a half-life of ki4 is       2.31    
   Parameter   5 has a half-life of ka1 is       3.47    
   Parameter   6 has a half-life of ka2 is      0.462    
   Parameter   7 has a half-life of ka3 is       1.73    
   Parameter   8 has a half-life of ka3 is       1.73    
   Parameter   9 has a half-life of kel is       4.62    

 Dose/AUC (= Clearance/F)

   Parameter  17 gives Dose/AUC (CL/F) of       1.93    

 Calculation of AUC and AUMC using Method 9 of R.D. Purves

 AUC and AUMC for [Drug]          using Calculated data

       Time         Concentration      AUC             AUMC

      0.00000          0.00000    
     0.100000          0.00000    
     0.200000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
     0.300000         0.215768        0.958970E-02    0.257723E-02
      1.00000          2.68738        0.864960        0.659493    
      2.00000          4.80721         4.65955         6.52803    
      3.00000          5.21962         9.78359         19.3725    
      4.00000          4.96256         14.8736         37.1661    
      6.00000          3.98842         23.7891         81.4192    
      9.00000          2.63979         33.5927         153.937    
      12.0000          1.69898         39.9975         220.485    
                                       51.5639         438.023    
 AUC and AUMC extrapolated
      from the last data point          22.4 %          49.7 %

 Terminal half-life       4.72     (    -0.147    )

 Secondary Parameters

 MRT =      8.4948    

 Half-life values for each first order rate constant

   Parameter   1 has a half-life of ki1 is      0.578    
   Parameter   2 has a half-life of ki2 is       1.16    
   Parameter   3 has a half-life of ki3 is       2.31    
   Parameter   4 has a half-life of ki4 is       2.31    
   Parameter   5 has a half-life of ka1 is       3.47    
   Parameter   6 has a half-life of ka2 is      0.462    
   Parameter   7 has a half-life of ka3 is       1.73    
   Parameter   8 has a half-life of ka3 is       1.73    
   Parameter   9 has a half-life of kel is       4.62    

 Dose/AUC (= Clearance/F)

   Parameter  17 gives Dose/AUC (CL/F) of       1.94    

      Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for [Drug]         . Superimposed points (X)

    5.220      Linear                      5.220      Semi-log
 |         +                             |         +                           
 |                                       |      +     +                        
 |            +                          |                                     
 |      +                                |                  +                  
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |   +                       +         
 |                  +                    |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                    +
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |   +                       +           |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                    +  |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
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 |                                       |                                     
 |+                                      |                                     
 |X  *  *  *  *     *        *        *  |+                                    
 |_____________________________________  |X__*__*__*__*_____*________*________*
    0.000                                 0.2158    
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.    
      Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for Amt 1          . Superimposed points (X)

    86.94      Linear                      86.94      Semi-log
 |                                       |+                                    
 |+                                      |                                     
 |                                       |   +                                 
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |      +                              
 |                                       |                                     
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 |      +                                |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |X  *  *  X  X     X        X        X  |                                    +
 |_____________________________________  |X__*__*__*__*_____*________*________*
    0.000                                 0.6179E-05
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.    
      Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for Amt 2          . Superimposed points (X)

    23.98      Linear                      23.98      Semi-log
 |   +                                   |   +                                 
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |      +                              
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |         +                           
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 |         +                             |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |X  *  *  *  X     X        X        X  |                                    +
 |_____________________________________  |X__*__*__*__*_____*________*________*
    0.000                                 0.1059E-04
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.    
      Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for Amt 3          . Superimposed points (X)

    10.69      Linear                      10.69      Semi-log
 |      +                                |                                     
 |                                       |      +                              
 |                                       |   +     +                           
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
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 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |X  *  *  *  *     *        X        X  |                                    +
 |_____________________________________  |X__*__*__*__*_____*________*________*
    0.000                                 0.1898E-01
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.    
      Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for Amt 4          . Superimposed points (X)

    3.246      Linear                      3.246      Semi-log
 |         +                             |         +                           
 |                                       |            +                        
 |                                       |      +                              
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 |                           +           |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |X  *  *  *  *     *        *        X  |                                    +
 |_____________________________________  |X__*__*__*__*_____*________*________*
    0.000                                 0.5506E-01
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.    
      Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for Amt 5          . Superimposed points (X)

    64.20      Linear                      64.20      Semi-log
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 |X  *  *  *  *     *        *        *  |                                    +
 |_____________________________________  |X__*__*__*__*_____*________*________*
    0.000                                  20.90    
 0              <-->             12.     0              <-->             12.