One Compartment Model
Single Oral Dose with Lag-time - Simulation


One compartment Model (ka/kel/V/F)


The file, onec_gs.BAT. Copy the lines between the markers '--' but not the marker, starting with 'Boomer Batch File'. Paste into a new text document using a simple text editor such as Text Edit (Macintosh) or Notepad (Windows) and save as plain (ascii) text as onec_gs.BAT. Start boomer and enter 1 or 3 to use a .BAT file. Enter the .BAT file name onec_gs.
Boomer Batch File
    2                             wls,bayes,sim,irwls,sim+error,grid 
    1                             Screen, diskfile                   
onec_gs                                                     <- output to onec_gs.OUT
    2                             Parameter type            <- start of ka input
  1.5000                          Parameter value                    
    2                             To                        <- to component 2 (central)
    1                             From                      <- from 1 (GI)
    0                             happy or not                       
    2                             Parameter type            <- start of kel input
  0.1230                          Parameter value                    
    0                             To                        <- to outside
    2                             From                      <- from component 2
    0                             happy or not                       
   18                             Parameter type            <- start of V input
   12.00                          Parameter value                    
    1                             To                        <- only one data set, 1
    2                             From                      <- from component 2
    0                             happy or not                       
    0                             Parameter type                     
   1.500                          Parameter value                    
    0                             happy or not                       
    1                             Parameter type            <- start of Dose input
   100.0                          Parameter value                    
    1                             To                        <- into component 1 (GI)
    0                             happy or not                       
   -1                             Parameter type            <- end of model definition
    2                             Integration method        <- Fehlberg RKF45 - default
   0.000                          Relative error                     
   0.000                          Absolute error                     
Simulation - One compartment Oral with Lag-time                   
    1                             Data from disk or keyboard         
   0.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  0.5000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.500                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   1.750                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   2.500                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   3.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   4.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   6.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   9.000                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   12.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   18.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
   24.00                          X value                            
   0.000                          Y value                            
  -1.000                          X value                     <- end of data entry
    0                             Accept, correct, delete, insert, of
    0                             Continue or save data              
    1                             AUC line number             <- AUC calculation for data set 1
    0                             AUC line number             <- no more AUC calculations
    2                             Continue,save,plot,supplemental,sen
   -1                             wls,bayes,sim,irwls,sim+error,grid <- finish
When you open onec_gs.OUT you should see the information below

 ** FINAL OUTPUT FROM Boomer (v3.3.7) **      10 August 2011 --- 11:00:39 am

 Title:  One compartment oral with lag-time                          
 Input: From Keyboard
 Output:  To onec_gs.OUT                                                     
 Data for [Drug]          came from keyboard (or ?.BAT)                                             
 Fitting algorithm: Simulation                 
 Numerical integration method: 2) Fehlberg RKF45                          
          with  2 de(s)
 With relative error   0.1000E-03
 With absolute error   0.1000E-03

 This simulation took     0.7000E-01 seconds

 Model and Parameter Definition

  #  Name                    Value       Type From To     Dep  Start Stop

  1) ka                  =   1.500        2    1    2       0    0    0
  2) kel                 =  0.1200        2    2    0       0    0    0
  3) V/F                 =   12.00       18    2    1       0    0    0
  4) tlag                =   1.500        0    0    0       0    0    0
  5) Dose                =   100.0        1    0    1       0    1    0

 Data for [Drug]          :-

 DATA #   Time       Observed      Calculated    (Weight)  Weighted residual

     1    0.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     2   0.5000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     3    1.000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     4    1.500       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000       0.00000    
     5    1.750       0.00000       2.56483       0.00000      -0.00000    
     6    2.000       0.00000       4.25181       0.00000      -0.00000    
     7    2.500       0.00000       6.01262       0.00000      -0.00000    
     8    3.000       0.00000       6.61117       0.00000      -0.00000    
     9    4.000       0.00000       6.49730       0.00000      -0.00000    
    10    6.000       0.00000       5.26791       0.00000      -0.00000    
    11    9.000       0.00000       3.68258       0.00000      -0.00000    
    12    12.00       0.00000       2.56933       0.00000      -0.00000    
    13    18.00       0.00000       1.25063       0.00000      -0.00000    
    14    24.00       0.00000      0.608742       0.00000      -0.00000    

 Calculation of AUC and AUMC based on trapezoidal rule

 AUC and AUMC for [Drug]          using Calculated data

       Time         Concentration      AUC             AUMC

      0.00000          0.00000    
     0.500000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
      1.00000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
      1.50000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
      1.75000          2.56483        0.320603        0.561056    
      2.00000          4.25181         1.17268         2.18506    
      2.50000          6.01262         3.73879         8.06885    
      3.00000          6.61117         6.89473         16.7851    
      4.00000          6.49730         13.4490         39.6965    
      6.00000          5.26791         25.2142         97.2932    
      9.00000          3.68258         38.6399         194.419    
      12.0000          2.56933         48.0178         290.382    
      18.0000          1.25063         59.4777         450.412    
      24.0000         0.608742         65.0558         561.775    
                                       70.1286         725.796    
 AUC and AUMC extrapolated
      from the last data point           7.2 %          22.6 %

 Terminal half-life       5.78     (    -0.120    )

 Secondary Parameters

 MRT =      10.349    

 Half-life values for each first order rate constant

   Parameter   1 has a half-life of ka is      0.462    
   Parameter   2 has a half-life of kel is       5.78    

 Dose/AUC (= Clearance/F)

   Parameter   5 gives F*Dose/AUC (CL/F) of       1.43    

 Calculation of AUC and AUMC using Method 9 of R.D. Purves

 AUC and AUMC for [Drug]          using Calculated data

       Time         Concentration      AUC             AUMC

      0.00000          0.00000    
     0.500000          0.00000    
      1.00000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
      1.50000          0.00000         0.00000         0.00000    
      1.75000          2.56483        0.305336        0.509530    
      2.00000          4.25181         1.15054         2.10307    
      2.50000          6.01262         3.70501         7.88732    
      3.00000          6.61117         6.86935         16.6017    
      4.00000          6.49730         13.4234         39.5313    
      6.00000          5.26791         25.1457         97.7332    
      9.00000          3.68258         38.4298         196.178    
      12.0000          2.56933         47.7077         292.763    
      18.0000          1.25063         58.6969         453.678    
      24.0000         0.608742         64.0459         564.098    
                                       69.1187         728.118    
 AUC and AUMC extrapolated
      from the last data point           7.3 %          22.5 %

 Terminal half-life       5.78     (    -0.120    )

 Secondary Parameters

 MRT =      10.534    

 Half-life values for each first order rate constant

   Parameter   1 has a half-life of ka is      0.462    
   Parameter   2 has a half-life of kel is       5.78    

 Dose/AUC (= Clearance/F)

   Parameter   5 gives F*Dose/AUC (CL/F) of       1.45    

      Plots of observed (*) and calculated values (+)
           versus time for [Drug]         . Superimposed points (X)

    6.611      Linear                      6.611      Semi-log
 |    +                                  |    +                                
 |      +                                |      +                              
 |                                       |   +                                 
 |   +                                   |         +                           
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |   +                                 
 |         +                             |                                     
 |                                       |             +                       
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |   +                                   |                                     
 |                                       |  +               +                  
 |                                       |                                     
 |             +                         |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |  +               +                    |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                           +         
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                           +           |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |                                    +  |                                     
 |                                       |                                     
 |XXX** *  *   *    *        *        *  |                                    +
 |_____________________________________  |XXX**_*__*___*____*________*________*
    0.000                                 0.6087    
 0              <-->             24.     0              <-->             24.